Gammalmormors hästskor - Great Grandmother's Horse Shoe Biscuits
Here is another recipe from our treasure trove of old family recipes. This biscuit is crispy with a lovely cardamom and cinnamon spice.
Ingredients: makes 48 biscuits
200 g butter
175 g sugar
350 g plain flour
30 cardamom seeds, ground
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp bicarbonate, dissolved in half a tablespoon of lukewarm water
Mix all the ingredients into a dough, directly on your work surface. Roll the dough into slim ropes that you cut into 10-12 cm lenghts. Bend into horse shoe shapes. Shape the edges slightly rounded. Press with a fork to flatten somewhat and bake at a "good heat" (190 C, 375 F).
I hope you like them!
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