Nyttiga frukostbullar - Healthy Breakfast Rolls

Perhaps it is time to post a healthy recipe! I came up with this for those times when you want an easy bread that works for breakfast and sandwiches. It tastes good with any topping and you can freeze them and then grab just as many as you need and thaw them quickly. My daughter recommends them toasted and slathered in butter and jam, and served with a nice cup of tea.


1 dl oats
2.5 dl water
1 dl linseed
1 tbsp salt

100 g yeast
0.5 dl oil (neutral flavor such as rapeseed)
2 tbsp syrup
7.5 dl water
6 dl rye and wheat flour mix (the one I buy here in Sweden is approx 60% wheat and 40% rye)
18-19 dl wheat flour

First make a porridge by mixing the oats with 2.5 dl water in a pan and bringing it to a boil. Add 1 tbsp salt and the linseed. Let it simmer for a couple of minutes.
Now stir in the rest of the water and let the mixture cool to body temperature.
Crumble the yeast into the bowl of your food processor/mixer. Pour in some of the porridge water and dissolve the yeast. Then pour in the rest of the liquid and stir in the flours. Let the machine work the dough for approx. 8-10 minutes. Cover the dough and let it rise until doubled in size.

Set the oven to 250 C (482 F).
Turn the dough out in a work surface and knead it by hand. Then divide it in two. Roll it out to about 1 cm thick (just under half an inch). Use a cutter (I used a small ice cream container) and cut individual buns. Alternatively you could make rolls the normal way or roll the dough into ropes and cut slices. 

Place breads on a baking sheet and prick them with a fork all over. Cover and let them rise until the oven is hot. 

The bake 10-15 minutes on center rack. They should be slightly golden when done.



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